Transport Services
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Transport Services provides Stellenbosch University (SU) and its staff with cost-effective, sustainable transport options for training, research, sports and cultural purposes, and other associated needs.
We manage and operate SU’s total vehicle fleet, the vehicle pool and departmental vehicles. Transport Services also provides staff with vehicle financing, negotiates prices for the purchase and sale of vehicles and deals with all purchases and sales of official SU vehicles.
SU’s Integrated Transport Plan aims to reduce the high volumes of motor vehicle traffic on SU’s campuses. The parking management system and a combination of walking, cycling, campus shuttle services, lift clubs and public transport services are now utilised to establish a more sustainable, environmentally friendly campus and town.
We’re committed to keeping Stellenbosch University moving in the most effective and sustainable manner possible.
Transport policies and procedures can be accessed here.
Waar om ons te vind
48 Banghoek Road, Stellenbosch
GPS coordinates: 18 51 47 E / 33 55 47 S
Please take note: Vehicle Finance closes on the 1ste of December 2023 and will re-open on 16 January 2024.
Kontak Ons
Marieta van Wyk
021 808 4611
Contact Transport Services
Verwante Dienste
Matie Druk
& Voldoening